I help businesses find leverage strategically and tactically using digital technology so that they aren’t left behind.
Engaging audiences and finding new perspectives through inspiring and insightful stories about digital marketing and transformation.
I write and talk about topics that lie close to my heart, such as digital marketing, business, productivity and entrepreneurship.
Thoughts & Musings
On Project Management And Subject Expertise
Day in and day out I work on projects. Managing them properly is crucial. For us, it’s about customer satisfaction. For me, it’s about my reputation and because it’s just the right thing. Why do…
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On How Everything I Knew About Life Turned Out Wrong
I will confess to lying a bit in the title today right now. Everything I knew isn’t wrong. But before you dismiss this as another clickbait article, hear me out. I think. A lot. For…
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On Stable and Innovative Business Models
Last week, I got an email from my buddy Sebastian who heads the Goethe Unibator at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt where I’m an advisor. He asked for some help in judging the companies who entered…
On Preserving Client Data and System Security
Last week, I was helping a client structure their new project who will have a few involved parties. Who these are is irrelevant. I’m not trying to point fingers at anyone. What I realized when…
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