Annual Holiday Gift Guide is Released

Erik's Holiday Gift Guide 2009

As every year, this being no exception, I’m releasing my Holiday Gift Guide that can be downloaded over on Bernskiold Media. The idea of this gift guide is to provide you with ideas on what to get photographers/techies or gadget lovers for christmas, or what to wish for if you belong to the group. The guide is arranged in sections for different types of people, like photographers, videographers, designers, gadget lovers and more.

I should note that this guide is in no way endorsed by any manufacturer and I am not being paid anything from anyone for making this available. These are things that I use and recommend to you, that have made my life a whole lot easier.

Please stop over at the official gift guide section here to either view it in your browser, or to get your downloadable PDF today, and spread the word around. You don’t know what you might be getting!

This story by the way, over here on the blog, is the “scoop” and being released before the actual kick-off. So if you read it here, you get it before the other Bernskiold Media visitors do. Thanks for reading here, or following me on Twitter or Facebook! I appreciate it!