Last minute gift suggestions…

It is one day left before christmas (for us here in Sweden who celebrate on the 24th) or two days before if you celebrate the 25th. Time is running out. If you have remembered that you have (gasp!) forgot to buy a gift for someone, here are some last minute tips for a couple of different type of people.

…for the photographer!

B&H Photo Video Gift CardIf the person on your list is a photographer, I have an idea for you. Get them a gift card from B&H Photo Video. Since B&H offers good shipping for many countries outside the US, it is also a good gift to give international people that might be on your list. Just check that they are eligible to purchase form B&H.

iTunes Gift Card

…for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch owner!

Should this person that you have forgotten to get a gift for happen to be an owner of either an iPad, iPhone or an iPod Touch (or soon to be one!), make them happy by getting them an iTunes gift card. This way they can buy apps and music which will last them long. If they are getting this device for christmas, this can’t be a better gift to give.

…for the computer junkie!

There is an easy thing that you can give the computer junkie and that is a software license! Anyone who is on the computer a lot and a proud geek, will get excited by a new piece of software so try to do some light research today and see if there is anything that your friend is thinking about getting or secretly wants.