Another thing that successful people do constantly is accepting and embracing failures with a positive attitude. See, you can learn from a failure and as long as it isn’t fatal, you’re now better of thanks to it.
I know this to be true. I could count the number of times where this mindset would have made a great, positive difference for me. Yet, it doesn’t come easy to me. I wish it did. But I don’t think that I am alone in this.
For me personally, this has very deep roots. While something I don’t hide, it is also something I don’t talk about a lot: Being the victim of constant bullying from first through ninth grade. Age old story: You can’t be smart if you are in school… It would be naïve to believe that you just shrug this off lightly.
In essence this made me afraid of publicly admitting failure. Psychologically, very logically. As a businessman and public figure, who also happen to be a public speaker, this isn’t the most ideal quality. What’s good is however that you can work to improve it.
Would I say that I handle failure better now than I did before? Absolutely. Would I say that I handle it graciously? Not a chance. There is still a long way to go for me before I handle failure, and even harsh (but justified) criticism in the way in which I know makes you stronger. By accepting it, embracing it, and seeing it as ultimately something positive.
As the age-old saying goes: What doesn’t kill you make your stronger. And by being aware of it and actively working to improve and change, you are already halfway there.