I tell insightful stories. My parents will tell you that when I was little, they could sit and relax at our front porch, not worrying about where I was. They could hear me. Talking.

My love for speaking has only grown since then. There is something about sharing knowledge with others. Something about the moment where you see the inspired glow in someone’s eye. The moment when you know that you are making a difference.

The stories I tell challenge you to find new perspective, or they inspire you. Remember how the best talks always seem to be flying by, and you go out having learned something without realizing it? That’s me talking.

You will find examples of some of my recent talks below.

Speaking at Internetdagarna 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden


All events are different. Some require unique talks, carefully crafted for the situation and audience. Others want a well-rehearsed talk package that inspires and educates.

Topics I speak frequently about include:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Behavioral Marketing (& Behavioral Economics)
  • Web Design & Development
  • Productivity

I deliver talks fluently in several languages English, Swedish and German.

Selected Previous Engagements

This is by no means a full list of conferences and events that I have spoken at, but it is a collection, with link to a recording/other material if available. The recordings unfortunately vary in quality.