Last week I was doing a road trip with my dad around Germany, more or less visiting famous cities where composer, J.S Bach used to be active, ending in a couple of days in Berlin.
I have written about TripIt before, more specifically after my Photoshop World trip back in March and how it helped me keep track of flights. Well, this time I didn’t have any flights, but many hotels.
What makes TripIt so great to use is that all I do when I book a flight, transportation or hotel, is that I forward the confirmation email to TripIt and if it is from one of their many (many!) supported sites, they add it to the existing trip for those days, or create a new trip for me!
In addition, I can add activities and events myself if I want them in my travel itinerary if they aren’t supported, or does not require booking.
Short and sweet, I love TripIt and TripIt Pro, making my traveling much easier and for my favorite iPhone app to go with it, check out FlightTrack Pro and TripDeck.