Last week I got thinking when I saw the new Adobe short URLs that they are using (adobe.ly) and figured that it is not a bad idea to follow on the idea of doing custom URL shortening for my company, Bernskiold Media. Whilst thinking about this, I remembered what my friend A.J. Wood did back a long time ago, specifically starting to do his own URL shortening.
Primarily this will give visitors and fans of Bernskiold Media a sense of security, because whenever they see a link shortened with the domain bmedia.co, they know it is solid and valid content that has been shortened by us. So just the other day I got invited to the Bit.ly Pro beta which I applied for. There is really only one reason why I chose them: They are really good at what they do. Plus, it does help that the service is free.
Setup was a breeze and now, all links posted from Bernskiold Learning and Bernskiold Media will all be shortened based on bmedia.co, just like this example here which will take you to the article I wrote on Monday on 11 Important Steps to Optimize WordPress and Increase Performance: http://bmedia.co/ghtHyG
Tell me, do you use a custom URL shortening domain or do you just use the general ones?