Scott Kelby just officially announced that this years worldwide photo walk is open and that I’ll be on October 1-2, with the leader of the walk picking the best day for their walk. It’s a really fun event. I was the leader of a walk here in Gothenburg four years ago for the first walk, but because of travel schedules, I haven’t made a walk since. I am bummed to say that this will be the case this year as well. Anyhow, you should definitely be a part of this! Even if you don’t want to lead a walk in your city, you can join a walk. You don’t need a fancy camera, you can do it with an iPhone if you like. The whole point is to get out and meet new people, hang out, have a lot of fun while getting to shoot in a new environment.
If you like, there is a contest too with amazing prices: The winner will get the full CS5 suite, an Epson R3000 printer, a Photoshop World ticket, a collection of Kelby books, an iPad(!) and a lot more! Even if you are not the grand prize winner, all finalists will get prices including the Nik software suite and the OnOne software suite, a one year NAPP membership and more. Check this out on the photo walk website.
By now you’ll have heard enough right? Go and see if there is a walk in your city. If there is, why not join the walk? If there isn’t, host one! This is lots of fun!