The Fourth Annual Worldwide Photo Walk is Announced!

Scott Kelby's Fourth Annual Worldwide Photo Walk

Scott Kelby just officially announced that this years worldwide photo walk is open and that I’ll be on October 1-2, with the leader of the walk picking the best day for their walk. It’s a really fun event. I was the leader of a walk here in Gothenburg four years ago for the first walk, but because of travel schedules, I haven’t made a walk since. I am bummed to say that this will be the case this year as well. Anyhow, you should definitely be a part of this! Even if you don’t want to lead a walk in your city, you can join a walk. You don’t need a fancy camera, you can do it with an iPhone if you like. The whole point is to get out and meet new people, hang out, have a lot of fun while getting to shoot in a new environment.

If you like, there is a contest too with amazing prices: The winner will get the full CS5 suite, an Epson R3000 printer, a Photoshop World ticket, a collection of Kelby books, an iPad(!) and a lot more! Even if you are not the grand prize winner, all finalists will get prices including the Nik software suite and the OnOne software suite, a one year NAPP membership and more. Check this out on the photo walk website.

By now you’ll have heard enough right? Go and see if there is a walk in your city. If there is, why not join the walk? If there isn’t, host one! This is lots of fun!