I’ll be honest and say it right up front. I like traveling. As a matter of fact, I am writing this post in the air. I also travel more than most people do, but nowhere near as much as others I know. I hold my Star Alliance Gold Card proudly and I get to enjoy my lounges at the airport (a godsend when you travel for work). I also mostly fly in business class on long haul flights. And I am very thankful and humble for being able to do this.
Many ask me why I spend a good deal of money traveling to meet people and for meetings, when you can just as well hold them online. Simple answer: It really is not a replacement.
Here’s the deal. Meeting new people and having those first meetings is best done in person. The difference in the quality of the relationships that you develop are astounding and I owe a lot of my business success to traveling.
While regular project meetings can (and should!) definitely be done online, being able to meet customers face to face and talking to them once in a while makes all the difference in your relationships. It’s a human thing. Plus, when traveling you always meet new and interesting people.
Going to conferences is another topic which in general is very worthwhile, even though I try limiting my conferences to ones that I speak at nowadays.
Simply put: Connecting with people, meeting new people and building relationships is crucial to the success of my business. I gladly spend the money and time on travel because in the long run, it undoubtedly comes back.