It’s always nice to get away for a little while and this time the trip goes to Photokina. In all fairness, I have spent the full day today (after a morning flight down) on the show and checking it out. There are loads of vendors with the big guys, Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Panasonic, Leica, Samsung and Fujifilm taking up the most space. Tomorrow I hope to be able to get to talk to some contacts at Nikon and Leica to get some calmer hands-on time with their new stuff.
What surprised me was all the Chinese and Japanese vendors that are all placed on one (big) hall! There are tons of them and most seem to just sell copies of the big brands. I did not know that copies had an entire hall at Photokina.
Let’s see, what’s planned more for tomorrow, right, I hope to catch and meet up with Rufus Deuchler, great speaker on design and Adobe and maybe get over and listen to Joe McNally giving a talk as well. If anyone of you reading this are at photokina, leave a comment and if you happen to see me walking around (however unlikely this is, the place is massive and there are so many people around) just stop me and say hi!